Business Process Management Software

Make the most of your IT investment and streamline operations with ERP/CRM software that supports your growing business

Over the better part of a decade, Auriga has built and continues to foster a strong community of IT, operational, financial, accounting and project management professionals who love implementing ERP/CRM solutions. Our SMART Business team understands your company is unique and your enterprise resources planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) software should fit your specific workflows.

ERP software solutions can:

CRM software can:

We focus on your processes and requirements while keeping ERP/CRM software providers at arm’s length. This ensures an unbiased assessment of your needs and best-fit proposals from multiple providers.  If you’re looking for a partner to help you traverse the ERP/CRM landscape, Auriga’s SMART Business team is here to guide the way.

Strategic Partners

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

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